Module 4: Topic 5 – Your Burning Questions and Your Feedback to the Trainers

Here are the Burning Questions identified by this class.

Please complete and return the Evaluation form below. We value your feedback and you can remain anonymous if you prefer. Just email to with the subject line: Evaluation Form and a staff member will download your form and delete your email.

Below is the CLE information with course number for lawyers.

We want you to become a part of the Collaborative community. Unless you OPT-OUT, we will share your email address with 1) the participants in this class, 2) the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals, and 3) the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. We will not share it with anyone else. If you want to OPT-OUT of some or all of those lists, please email us at

Your Course Certificate will be emailed to you on Monday. Thank you for your attendance and welcome to the international Collaborative Community!

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