Course Instructors

Lee O. Upton, III, MS, MBA, CVA
Premier Quantitative Consulting, Inc.Lee is a certified valuation analyst with over 20 years of experience in analyzing complex economic and financial issues related to valuation, financial forensics, regulatory economics and public policy.

Brenda L. London, Esq.
The Aikin Family Law GroupBrenda has been in the private practice of law in Florida for over 25 years. Brenda’s professional focus is Family Collaborative Law Practice, Guardian ad Litem work, and Mediation.

Teresa F. Parnell, Psy.D.
Teresa F. Parnell, Psy.D.Dr. Parnell is a Licensed Psychologist, Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator (Appellate, Civil, County, Dependency, and Family) and Certified Addictions Professional with 30 years of professional experience.